Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (2024)

Spacious Floor Plans

Choosing your home is important. Here at The Village at Victorville, you'll find one, two, and three-bedroom homes carefully crafted with spacious floor plans, fully-equipped kitchens, and private patios and balconies. Income restrictions apply to our Affordable Housing community.*

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    *Our rates are based on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Income restrictions apply. We welcome Section-8 Voucher holders. Please call for details.

    Floor plan images are representations. Actual floor plan layouts and finishes may vary.

    Available Floor plans meet your search criteria

    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (1)
    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (2)
    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (3)


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    Our Crestview floor plan offers a spacious bedroom, fully-equipped kitchen, and a private patio or balcony.

    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (4)
    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (5)
    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (6)


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    The Baywood floor plan features two spacious bedrooms, a fully-equipped kitchen, and a private patio or balcony.

    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (7)
    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (8)
    • Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (9)


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    Our spacious three-bedroom Glenview floor plan offer two full bath, washer and dryer connections, and a private patio or balcony.

    *Available in select units

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    Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (11) 2D

    Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (12) Virtual Panoramic

    Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (13) Furniture Arranger

    Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (14) Print Brochure

    *Our rates are based on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Income restrictions apply. We welcome Section-8 Voucher holders. Please call for details.

    Floor plan images are representations. Actual floor plan layouts and finishes may vary.

    CloseVictorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (15)

    Renderings are intended only as a general reference. Features, materials, Finishes and layout of units may be differemt that show, For more details , inquire ask a leasing representative about specific apartment features.

    Our Sister Communities

    • Village Oaks Apartments

      Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (16)

      View Website

      14449 Begonia Road

      Victorville, CA 92392

      14449 Begonia Road

      Victorville, CA 92392

    Victorville, CA The Village at Victorville Floor Plans | Apartments in Victorville, CA (2024)


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    Article information

    Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6182

    Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

    Birthday: 1996-12-09

    Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

    Phone: +2296092334654

    Job: Technology Architect

    Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

    Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.