SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1920 THE SELMA TIMES- "ALONG SELMA'S AUTO ROW The commonly used garden hose is perhaps the best method of cleaning the lower portions of the car, such: as wheels running gear, etc. But it is positively injurious when used on the body and highly finished surfaces. The force with which the stream of water impinges on the surfaces causes the sand and dirt adhering to the body to be driver. into the varnish, destroying its brilliancy and no amount of polishing and rubbing will restore its former luster. The body should be washed in lukewarm water and soap.
and immediately dried with soft chamois. Many owners use a mixture of cylinder oil and kerosene which they apply on the body rubbing it dry after. ward. Another scheme is to use a mixture of boiled linseed oil and turpentine applied sparingly and rubbed absolutely dry. The use of this polish will restore even and old car to a degree of splendor that will please the user.
Carload Of Dorts Received; Business Is Rushing At Selma Motor The Warrens of the Selma Motor is optimistic as usual and has the following to say: Business with us has been good, in fact our repair and accessory departments have had considerably' more than they could possibly do, the usedcar market is more stable due to more people using their cars a month or so longer than they intended. New cars are moving as fast as is possible to get them in and deliver, we are receiving 'a car load of Dort Tourings this week and expect to have another shipment in the next few days. These cars are moving fast and we are glad to say that they are giving unconditionally good, service in fact some of them have hung up some enviable records in this territory HOOPER HEADS SELMA ANTO DEALERS ASSOCIATION A permanent organization was formed in the offices of the Hooper. Motor Friday afternoon, with a good attendance the following officers and directors were elected to serve thru the following year: Harry Hooper, Pres. Jerome Segle, Vice Pres.
John Creagh, Sec and Treas. Directors: R. D. Neely, H. N.
Warren, S. H. Watts, E. W. Hutchins.
The members of the association include every licensed Automobile and Accessory, Battery and repair shop of Selma, and th. association expect to accomplish a great deal for the better conditions of the motoring public and the automotive dealers, various matters will be gone into from time to time with a view to getting equitable treatment for all users of motor cars. Keep Streets of Glass. Ig motorists will constantly discourage the breaking of bottles and other glass articles in the streets they will not only be safeguarding their own property but will be contributing much toward the civie pride of the city. While present day tires are so constructed a sto withstand much punish ment from glass in time these sharp particles will penetrate the fabric and cause blowouts.A concertel campaign among the motorists of the city will do much toward stopping the bad practice of using the streets as a receptacle for broken bottles.
By setting the proper example and dropping a tactful word here and there much can be accom-1 plished. Dallas County in Account with the Peoples Bank Trust Company, of Selma, 'Alabama. Debit April Checks Returned $1,138.24 May Checks Returned 929.74 June Checks Returned 526.74 $2,594.72 Credit March, 31, 1920, Balance in Bank 9,807.52 April 1920, Deposited by Probate 531.37 May 1920, Deposited by Probate Judge 155.08 $10,493.97 Balance in Bank on June 30, 1920. $7,899.25 DISBURSEMENTS Blessed, Geo. A.
Lumber Lumber Campbell, M. Work Campbell, R. Work Carter, E. Work Day, M. Work Davis, L.
Work: Edwards, J. Road Machine Ellis, R. Emerson, W. Work Gillis, D. Work Ginney, Jno.
Work Hewston, W. Work Henry, Hugh, Lumber Hillman, C. Work Hillman, R. Work Howard, S. Work Irwin, Mrs.
C. Repairing Bridge Jackson, Alfred, Work Kirkpatrick, Work Kirkpatrick, W. Lumber 'Mills Hughes, Lumber Minters Lumber Lumber Montgomery, C. M. W.
Lumber Morrison, J. Work Robbins Hardware Hardware Sample, Lumber Schuster, B. Hardware Selma Hardware Hardware Skinner, Work Southern Railway Freight on Gravel Zimmerman, Work and Loading Gravel. THE ORRVILLE GARAGE AT ORRVILLE, ALABAMA Our work is guaranteed and it is reasonable in price. We have both an up-to-date repair and Accessories' Department.
Phone 1341. Selma, Ala. THE WORLD OWES YOU A CAR and you owe it to yourself to have have a good one that will let you enjoy life to the limit- you can't afford a new car, but that doesn't or shouldn't deprive you of the pleasure that you should have. has sold his tried and true car just because of some whim to outMany a man do his neighbor or to get some new novelty on his car. Our Used Car Department is stocked with a few cars of the better sort real pick ups waiting for a buyer.
All are newly overhauled, and in tip top condition. COME LOOK 'EM OVER Chevrolet Overland Ford AND LOTS MORE Gay-Agee Motor Co. T. G. GAY W.
C. AGEE, JR. Successors To Buster Auto Co. 1403 Water Avenue Selma, Alabama Dallas County in 'Account with the Selma National Bank, of Selma, 'Alabama. GENERAL FUND.
Debit April Checks Returned 24.00 June Checks Returned 5,993.39 $6,017.39 Credit March 31, 1920, Balance in $27,153.63 April 1920, Deposited by Tax Collector. 988.90 April 1920, Deposited by Circuit 108.68 May Deposited 848.65 June 1920, by Tax 2,711.81 $31,811.67 Balance in Bank on June 30, 1920. $25,794.28" DISBURSEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Berry, J. Acct. Inferior Court $100.00 Hooper.
C. W. Interest and 188.36 Marshall Bruce Records 449.53 Howard, S. Int. Coupons 15.00 Plant, W.
Int. Coupons 9.00 ROADS Agee, R. H. W. Retirement of 10 $5,000.00 Montgomery, M.
W. Lumber, 57.42 $5,057.42 SHERIFF Hooper, C. W. Merchandise $13.25 POOR Hooper, C. W.
Co, Feed and Groceries $184.83 April Checks Returned $1,373.50 May Checks Returned 2,345.15 June Checks Returned 2,043.72 $6,662.37 Credit March 31, 1920, Balance in Bank $17,118.18 April 1920, Deposited by Tax 466.25 'May 1920, Deposited by Tax Collector. 424.33 June 1920, Deposited by Tax 1,355.91 $19,364.67 Balance in Bank on June 30, 1920.. DISBURSEMENTS Coates, Lumber Craig, Henry, Salary Dallas Compress Road Work Day, J. Gravel Dunaway, J. E.
Mercantile Work on Orrville Ellis, L. P. Sons, Lumber Gay Agee. Motor Repairs Hooper, C. W.
April Kirkpatrick, W. Oil and Gas Middleton, T. Gravel Morgan, D. Blacksmithing Schuster, B. Hardware Selma Hardware Lanterns and Hardware Standard.
Oil Coupons Stringer, H. Pay Rolls Twilley, J. Blacksmithing Ward, E. Gravel Ward, W. L.
Sons, Feed Watson, B. Gravel Zimmerman, J. Work $6,662.37 Second Quarterly Statement Of 1920 Dallas County in Account with the City National Bank, of Selma, Alabama. GENERAL FUND. Debit.
April Checks $3,329.77 May checks returned 3,030.75 June checks returned 2,981.25 March 31, April, 1920, April, 1920, April, 1920, May, 1920, May, 1920, June, 1920, June, 1920, ROAD FUND Debit $9,341.77 Credit 1920, Balance in $17,763.64 Deposited by Probate 339.08 Tax 988.89 Deposited by Circuit 631.90 Deposited by. Probate 264.95 Deposited by. Tax 848.65 Deposited by Probate 126.23 Deposited by Tax 2 711.80 $23,675.14 Balance in Bank on June 30th, 1920. $14,333.37 DISBURSEMENTS CIRCUIT COURT Barker, T. Ex.
Off. Fees Etc. $382.55 Berry, 0. Bailiff, 18.00 Mangum, R. Salary 300.00 McCulley, H.
Bailiff 10:00 Turner, Salary 190.11 Jurors, 747:90 Witnesses 101.40 Printing Printing 4.00 JUVENILE COURT Davis, Laura, Salary $60.00 Stanfill, N. Carrying Juvenile to Mt. 9.24 SHERIFF Aycock, S. Cash paid for pipe 2.501 Barnard, Geo. D.
Records 223.08 Breslin, Jud, Coffin 46.00 Cawthon Coleman, Toilet 18.00 Cook Hardware Boiler, Etc. 6.60 Gayle, Judge, Bringing Prisoner to jail. 4.20 Hay, M. Coal 21.00 Kincey, E. Stationery 17.50 Kincey Printing Printing 8.00 Schuster.
B. Hardware 1.10 Selma Hardware Bricks 9.00 Selma Lighting Lights- 57.12 Sou. Bell Tel. Tel. Phones 27.00 Stanfill, N.
Fees, Eter. 870.02 Alabama Auto Repair Co. 1308 Alabama Avenue. We Repair and Rebuild Motors of All Makes. Give Us a Trial GEO.
B. LOVE, Prop. All Work Guaranteed. 'Phone 108 et et Tissier Hardware Buckets 4.86 Ward Drug Drugs 5.40 W. L.
Sons, Merchandise 7.95 Ward, $1,329.33 ELECTIONS Barker, T. Cards for Election 5.70 Barker, W. et als, election 10.50 Bondurant, S. als, election 13.80 R. als, election 12.00 Burfitt, W.
et als, election 13.50 Connelly, L. et als, election 12.00 Edwards: J. et als, election ..14.00 Goldsmith. -et als, election 12.00 W. et als, election 14.00 Harrell, Harrison, J.
et als, election 12.70 Hillman. C. et als, 13.80 et als, election 15.70 Houston, S. et als, electjon 12.30 Hutto, W. et als, election 14.40 Hunter, S.
et als, 3 election 33.60 Kirkpatrick, als election 11.00 Kirkpatrick, W. et als 2 election 26.00 King, W. et als, election 14.50 Lester. T. als, election 12.90 Logan, et als, election 12.00 Miller, S.
et als, election 15.40 Moore, W. et als, election 13.10 Phillips, W. et als, election 13.00 Reeves. T. et als, 14.70 Ross, R.
et als, election 12.00 Rush, J. et als, 15.00 Shuptrine, R. et als, election 13.00 Smith, J. et als, election 14.10 Steele, 0. et 12.00 Sumner, G.
et als, election 14.10 Suttles, G. election rent 3.00 Warlick, G. et als, election 12.10 Weissinger, E. et als, election 14.70 $465.90 $761.89 18.00| 65.00 209.25 37.55 1,373.50 62.33 9.00 1,092.93 40.96 95.90 9.75 163.72 269.02 49.50 20.00 100.35 639.65 46.40 121.60 $1,753.96 $69.24 BOARD OF REVENUE Atkins, A. J.
service as Commissioner first 66.89 Houston, S. service as Commissioner first 44.00 Gilmer, E. service as Commissioner first quarter 52.00 Keith, Ethel, salary 270.00 Keith, Ethel, stamps 5.00 Minter, J. service as Commissioner first quarter. 34.95 Vaughan, W.
Ex. Off. Fees, Etc 235.95 $708.79 MISCELLANEOUS Batterson Plumylee, Screens 30.00 Berry Plumbing Plumbing 3.00 Bibb, B. Service as Jury 15.00% Blake, Salary 150.00; Blakely, Electric Supplies 4.80 Breslin, Jud. Coffins 22.00€ Burns, W.
Salary 300.00; Callaway, D. Rural School Libraries 80.00% Cawthon-Coleman Toilet paper .9.00 2.40 Hardware Pipe, Etc. Cooper Nephews Tick Solution 115.90 Durr Drug Tick Solution. 206.18 Salary 375.00 Hagerty, Kennedy, Helen. Salary 99.99 Kincey.
Printing 90.50 Lacy. Lloyd Ad. Letter T. W. Ribbons, Etc.
10.00 S. Jury Commissioner 20.00; Marion Junction Mercantile Coffins, 46.00 1. Parrott, L. Salary 450.00. Privett, J.
Stamps 30.00 Reeves Electric Plumbing Repairs 9.00 Remington Typewriter Repairs 586.75: 6.76 Roisman, Balance Selma Schuster. Hardware Hardware Bricks. .90: 1.00 Selma Journal, Printing 24.45 Selma Lighting Lights 54.92 Selma Rifles, Appropriation 50.00: Selma Times, Printing 80.00 Selma Times-Journal, Printing 226.65 Selma Stationery Sundries 97.45 Sou. Bell Tel. Tel.
Phones 18.50 Stanfill. N. Salary of Hopson Marshall 171.00 State of Alabama, Spec. Ex. by L.
A. Easterly 111.12 Stevens, J. Stationery 14.67 Tissier Hardware Repairs .75, Vaughan, W. List of Voters 113.15 8 $3,622.43 ROADS Dallas Co. Precinct Fund, Overdraft $185.45 Standard Oil Oil and Gas 10.50 $195.95 POOR Berry Plumbing Plumbing 23.50 Breslin, Jud, Coffins 28.00 Albert, Pay Roll 328.36 Dallas Infirmary, Hospital Fees 37.50 Mabry Securities.
Insurance 93.45 Phillips, W. Salary 150.00 Schuster, B. Hardware 15.75 Standard Oil Oil 12.83 Ward, W. L. Sons, Grocery and Feed 506.78 $1,196.17 ROAD FUND Debit April Checks $3,082.96 May Checks 619.67 June Checks Returned 165.56 $3,868.19 Credit March 31, 1920, Balance in.
$2,222.99 1920, Deposited by Probate 490.16 April, 1920, Deposited by Tax 466.25 1920, Deposited by Probate Judge. 133.31 May, 1920, Deposited Tax Collector. 424.32 June, 1920, Deposited by Probate 717.61 June, 1920, Deposited by Tax 1,355.89 1 $5,810.53, Balance in Bank June 30, 1920,...... $1,942.34. DISBURSEMENTS Central City Garage, Repairs to Truck 57.75 Cosby, C.
Gravel 2.25 Craig, Henry, Salary 33.00 Darter, J. Hay 62.70 Dallas Lumber Lumber 111.94 DeBardeleben, C. Coal 2.00 Fulford, P. J. P.
Fees 32.50 Gildea, H. Lumber, Etc. 68.11 Hagerty, Auto Hire 150.00 10.00 Hardy, H. Salary Jones, W. Cash for Blacksmithing 22.75 Kenan, T.
Road Work 7.50 Marion Junction Mercantile Hay 72.00 Reid Lumber Lumber 88.56 Robbins Hardware Freight 52.00 Schuster, B. Cement, Etc. 502.04 Selma Marble Granite Works, Line Post 2.75 Smith, J. Road Work 148290 Standard Oil Gas, Etc. 61.56 Stringer, H.
Pay Rolls 1,725.95 Ward, W. L. Sons 653.93 PRECINCT FUND Debit April Checks Returned. $239.97 Credit March 31, 1920, Balance in Bank 54.52 April, 1920, Deposited by Probate 185.45 $239.97 Balance in Bank 000 DISBURSEMENTS Campbeli, M. Road Work 76.92 Marshall, W.
Road Work 80.00 Zimmerman, J. Road Work 83.06 $3,868.19 $239.97.