- Author:LottoResultsOnline Staff
- Published: November 5, 2023
- Last Update: January 30, 2024
Home » » Lucky Numbers Dream Guide
Your dreams contain many details that could help you win the lottery, if you take some time and analyse it. Many South Africans are familiar with the concept, thanks to the Fafi Mo-China game that is played in most informal settlements. In essence, the game is based on guessing numbers, with each number relating to a certain image.
Take this concept a little further and implement it the next time you play your favourite local or international lotteries. Simply turn objects in your dreams into numbers.
With our lucky numbers dream guide you can quickly see what the images of your latest dreams were trying to tell you about what your next lottery ticket should be.
- How to Use a Lucky Number Dream Guide
- Lucky Number Dream Guide A-Z
- Final Thoughts
How to Use a Lucky Number Dream Guide
One problem with using dreams as the source of information is that we tend to forget a lot of detail once we wake up. But, experts believe you can train yourself to recall more of your dreams and if you make the following steps a habit while playing the lottery, you may become an expert at this strategy:
- Keep pen and paper next to your bed, so you can make notes as soon as you wake up.
- Write down all you remember of your dreams. Stay relaxed, since putting pressure on yourself to remember won’t help. Use breathing techniques to remain calm if necessary.
- While calm, focus on a specific part of your dream to see if you can remember more details.
- Once done, list all objects you can identify from what you’ve written down.
- Compare the list with our dream guide below and if an object is on the list, write down the number associated with it.
- Compile a sequence of numbers from these dream numbers.
- If there are more numbers than the lottery you’re playing requires, pick the ones you feel the most strongly about. Or, you can use another lottery strategy to identify the ones most likely to help you win.
- When a dream contained too few elements to create a full set of lottery numbers, use them to create new numbers, such as adding them together.
- Finalise your numbers and use them when buying your ticket at the store or using online lottery sites like theLotter.
The list below is organised in alphabetical order, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. We cover elements like the following in our list:
- Events
- People
- Food
- Physical objects
- Occupations
- Directions
- Actions and activities
- Animals
- Colours
- Shapes
- Brands
- Numbers
Some elements have two or more numbers associated with them, in which case you can pick the one that you feel drawn to the most. Or, use each one on a different ticket.
Lucky Number Dream Guide A-Z
Object | Number |
Accident | 3 |
Across | 8 |
Address | 39 |
Admiral | 36 |
Adult | 38 |
Agreement | 18 |
Air | 34 |
Alarm clock | 6 |
Aliens | 33 |
Alone | 22 |
Ambulance | 46 |
American | 23 |
ANC | 42 |
Animal | 18 |
Ant | 21 |
Apple | 23 |
Arm | 3 or 9 |
Army | 43 |
Arrow | 37 |
Art | 49 |
Article | 14 |
Artist | 30 |
Astronaut | 43 |
Attack | 25 |
Attorney | 4 |
AUDI | 8 |
Audience | 14 |
Author | 52 |
Avocado | 8 |
Object | Number |
Baby | 9 or 37 |
Baby (Newborn) | 27 |
Bad (General) | 27 |
Bad man | 26 |
Bad woman | 15 |
Bag | 38 |
Ball | 31 |
Balloons | 38 |
Bank | 3 |
Bar | 4 |
Bathroom | 50 |
Beard | 46 |
Bed | 4 or 33 |
Bees | 26 |
Bicycle | 11 |
Big (Anything) | 15 |
Billion | 7 |
Birth | 40 |
Bishop | 31 |
Black | 49 |
Blood | 1 or 16 |
BMW | 7 |
Boat | 10 |
Body | 20 or 30 |
Body builder | 44 |
Book | 5 |
Box | 14 |
Boxer | 25 |
Boy | 47 |
Braai | 14 |
Bread | 19 |
Bridge | 17 |
Broom | 10 |
Brother | 6 or 41 |
Brush | 52 |
Budget | 35 |
Building | 5 |
Bus | 12 |
Bush | 26 |
Butter | 11 |
Butterfly | 18 |
Object | Number |
Camel | 42 |
Camera | 45 |
Canary | 15 |
Car | 36 or 51 |
Career | 8 |
Carnival | 47 |
Carriage | 11 |
Carrot | 51 |
Casino | 20 |
Castle | 33 |
Cat | 20 |
Cattle | 41 |
Cave | 41 |
Cellphone | 27 |
Chair | 16 |
Chickens | 7 |
Chief | 2 |
Child | 28 or 31 |
Chocolate | 49 |
Church | 11 or 25 |
Cigars | 36 |
Circus | 49 |
City | 27 |
Cliff | 11 |
Clock | 40 |
Clothes | 35 |
Clown | 48 |
Coach | 40 |
Coin/s | 8/9 |
Cold | 8 |
College | 2 |
Company | 5 |
Computer/s | 16 or 45 |
Cooking | 37 |
Copper | 2 |
Coronavirus | 19 |
Court | 43 |
Cows | 11 |
Criminal | 13 |
Crime | 46 |
Cripple | 34 |
Crocodile | 38 |
Crossing (e.g. a river) | 11 |
Crowd | 29 |
Crown | 23 or 26 |
Cup | 14 or 36 |
Customer | 8 |
Cut | 8 |
Object | Number |
Dark | 50 |
Daughter | 31 |
Death | 13 |
Debate | 8 |
Degree | 11 |
Desert | 41 |
Detective | 14 |
Devil | 9 |
Diamond | 17 |
Dice | 7 |
Dinner | 25 |
Director | 24 |
Dirty (Anything) | 34 |
Doctor | 23 |
Dog | 27 |
Dominos | 33 |
Door | 42 |
Dress | 16 |
Drive | 35 |
Drunken man | 8 |
Ducks | 12 |
Dwarf | 40 |
Object | Number |
Eagle | 52 |
East | 51 |
Eat | 30 |
Economy | 38 |
Edge | 38 |
Education | 35 |
Eggs | 10 |
Election | 37 |
Elephant | 21 |
Employee | 48 |
Engine | 19 |
Environment | 10 |
Evening | 32 |
Eye (Left) | 1 |
Eye (Right) | 18 |
Object | Number |
Face | 7 |
Fail | 36 |
Fall | 28 |
Family | 49 |
Father | 44 |
Fat man | 8 |
Feathers | 31 |
Field | 2 |
Fight | 8 |
Financial | 34 |
Finger | 48 |
Fire | 40 |
Fireworks | 38 |
Fish (General) | 42 |
Fish (Big) | 13 |
Fish (Small) | 28 |
Fisherman | 21 |
Flowers | 11 |
Fly | 10 |
Food | 8 |
Foot (Left) | 22 |
Foot (Right) | 28 |
Football | 45 |
Forest | 30 |
Fortune (Small) | 4 |
Fowl | 30 |
Fox | 14 |
Friend | 35 |
Frog | 3 |
Funeral | 26 |
Furniture | 11 |
Object | Number |
Game | 21 |
Garden | 41 |
Gas | 25 |
General | 26 |
Gentleman | 6 |
Ghosts | 13 |
Girl | 27 |
Glass | 44 |
Goal | 51 |
Gold | 31 |
Government | 4 |
Grave | 10 |
Graveyard | 30 |
Green | 23 |
Grow | 18 |
Gum | 36 |
Gun | 42 |
Object | Number |
Hair | 23 or 32 |
Hand (Any) | 47 |
Hand (Left) | 19 |
Hand (Right) | 29 |
Handkerchief | 20 |
Head | 6 or 23 |
Healer (Traditional) | 40 |
History | 3 |
Hole | 9 or 24 |
Home | 37 |
Hook | 18 |
Horse | 23 |
Horse (White) | 15 |
Hospital | 25 or 37 |
Hotel | 31 |
House (Big) | 25 |
House (Small) | 16 |
Husband | 34 |
Hut | 47 |
Object | Number |
Ice | 35 |
Immigration | 17 |
Indian | 30 |
Industry | 30 |
Information | 14 |
Injury | 44 |
International | 29 |
Interview | 11 |
Investment | 48 |
Iron | 15 |
Object | Number |
Jam | 20 |
Jail | 42 |
Jewellery | 45 |
Job | 43 |
Jockey | 2 |
Judge | 11 |
Juice | 9 |
Jury | 19 |
Object | Number |
Kettle | 35 |
Key | 9 or 46 |
King | 1 |
Kiss | 35 |
Kitchen | 9 |
Kite | 47 |
Knife (General) | 21 |
Knife (Big) | 29 |
Knife (Small) | 15 |
Object | Number |
Lake | 1 |
Land | 27 |
Late | 11 |
Laugh | 51 |
Lawyer | 8 or 37 |
Left (general) | 49 |
Left eye | 1 |
Left foot | 22 |
Left hand | 19 |
Leg | 6 |
Letter | 4 or 16 |
Lightening | 47 |
Lion | 7 |
Lioness | 24 |
Little boy | 33 |
Little girl | 19 |
Loafer | 8 |
Love | 32 |
Object | Number |
Machine | 12 |
Madman | 26 |
Magazine | 19 |
Magic | 50 |
Man (Dead) | 4 |
Man (Old) | 21 |
Man (General) | 36 |
Management | 44 |
Market | 2 |
Marriage | 25 |
Meat | 34 |
Medical | 25 |
Medicine | 27 |
Meeting | 44 |
Message | 22 |
Middle | 41 |
Military | 21 |
Milk | 6 |
Million | 3 |
Minister | 20 |
Minute | 22 |
Model | 3 |
Money | 2 or 19 |
Monkey | 2 |
Monster | 41 |
Month | 38 |
Moon | 9 |
Morning | 39 |
Mother | 48 |
Motor car | 22 |
Mouth | 24 or 30 |
Movie | 49 |
Mud | 44 |
Music | 8 or 20 |
Object | Number |
Name | 19 |
Nature | 42 |
New (anything) | 30 |
Newborn baby | 27 |
News | 30 |
Night | 25 |
Nightmare | 48 |
No | 30 |
North | 12 |
Nose | 21 |
Now | 43 |
Nurse | 14 |
Object | Number |
Office | 16 |
Oil | 16 |
Old (anything) | 14 |
Old man | 21 |
Old woman | 14 |
Operation | 42 |
Orange | 51 |
Oval (Anything) | 10 |
Oven | 14 |
Owl | 9 |
Owner | 30 |
Oxblood | 6 |
Object | Number |
Page | 21 |
Pain | 44 |
Painting | 29 |
Paper | 27 |
Paper money | 16 |
Parent | 34 |
Party | 22 |
Patient | 17 |
Pearls | 17 |
Performance | 46 |
Phone | 42 |
Picture | 24 |
Pig | 8 |
Pigeon | 16 |
Plant | 36 |
Planets | 41 |
Policeman | 27 or 31 |
Politics | 6 |
President | 17 |
Professor | 35 |
Prostitute | 15 |
Pull | 8 |
Pumpkin | 9 |
Purse | 24 |
Push | 16 |
Object | Number |
Queen | 17 |
Question | 16 |
Quiet (e.g. quiet place) | 11 |
Object | Number |
Rabbit | 43 |
Race | 8 |
Radio | 36 |
Rain | 18 or 29 |
Rainbow | 48 |
Rats | 22 |
Read | 25 |
Red | 4 |
Relationship | 6 |
Revolution | 50 |
Right eye | 18 |
Right foot | 28 |
Right hand | 29 |
Risk | 39 |
River | 40 |
Road | 15 |
Rock | 11 |
Room | 32 |
Round objects | 9 |
Rule | 4 |
Run | 4 |
Object | Number |
Sad news | 27 |
Safe | 16 |
Sailor | 3 |
Salon | 52 |
Sangoma | 39 |
Sardines | 28 |
School | 34 |
School children | 35 |
Science | 4 |
Scientist | 51 |
Scissors | 46 |
Score | 14 |
Sea sand | 46 |
Sea | 3 or 30 |
Season | 28 |
Second | 15 |
Security | 33 |
Servant girl | 18 |
Sex | 3 or 11 |
Shark | 44 |
Shebeen | 49 |
Sheep | 35 |
Ship | 22 |
Shoes | 22 |
Shoulder | 51 |
Shower | 52 |
Shrimp | 36 |
Sign | 15 |
Silver money | 18 |
Sing | 50 |
Sister | 39 |
Sjhambok | 38 |
Skin | 7 |
Sky | 20 |
Small child | 28 |
Small fire | 12 |
Small fish | 28 |
Small fortune | 4 |
Small house | 16 |
Small knife | 15 |
Smile | 17 |
Smoke | 19 |
Snail | 40 |
Snake | 32 |
Soldier | 12 |
Soccer team | 39 |
Son | 15 |
Song | 8 |
South | 3 |
Space | 30 |
Spaceship | 49 |
Spear | 42 |
Speech | 13 |
Spider | 33 |
Spirit (A Spirit) | 2 |
Spirit (Big) | 31 |
Spirits | 13 |
Sport | 10 |
Stadium | 38 |
Stage | 24 |
Stallion | 47 |
Star / Stars | 3 / 17 |
Station | 42 |
Stick | 36 |
Stick (Big) | 7 |
Stop | 26 |
Storm | 45 |
Story | 50 |
Stranger | 21 |
Stream | 37 |
Street | 51 |
Strong man | 5 |
Stud farm | 44 |
Summer | 8 |
Sun | 30 |
Surprise | 28 |
Student | 7 |
Object | Number |
Table | 30 |
Tattoos | 39 |
Tax | 49 |
Teacher | 12 or 39 |
Tears | 29 |
Teeth | 21 |
Test | 41 |
Thief | 7 |
Thief | 28 |
Throat | 30 |
Thunder | 43 |
Tiger | 5 |
Time | 29 |
Today | 13 |
Tonight | 31 |
Tornado | 42 |
Traditional | 48 |
Traditional healer | 40 |
Train | 10 |
Training | 14 |
Tramp | 34 |
Trap | 50 |
Travel | 46 |
Treasure | 37 |
Treat | 5 |
Tree | 11 or 44 |
Trial | 29 |
Trip | 8 |
Trouble | 42 |
Trumpet | 52 |
Turkey | 4 |
Turtle | 43 |
TV | 18, 32 or 47 |
Two | 24 |
Object | Number |
Umbrella | 42 |
Under | 20 |
Under water | 19 |
Up | 28 |
Us | 38 |
Object | Number |
Vaccination | 11 |
Vegetables | 5 |
Victim | 52 |
Violence | 14 |
Veld | 33 |
Vixen | 24 |
Voice | 25 |
Volvo | 18 |
Vote | 14 |
Vulture | 51 |
VW | 3 |
Object | Number |
Walk | 45 |
War | 28 |
Wasp | 51 |
Watch | 41 |
Water (Sea) | 3,10 or 29 |
Wealth | 48 |
Weapon | 8 |
Wedding | 3 |
Weight | 46 |
Well | 8 |
West | 48 |
Whale | 48 |
Wheat | 50 |
White horse | 15 |
White man | 1 |
White woman | 17 |
Wife | 5 |
Wild cat | 24 |
Win | 16 |
Wind | 21 |
Window | 27 |
Wish | 7 |
Woman | 25 or 31 |
Woman (Old) | 14 |
Woman (Young) | 16 |
Wood | 11 |
Wrestler | 45 |
Writer | 9 |
Object | Number |
X-Ray | 12 |
Xhosa | 7 or 22 |
Object | Number |
Yacht | 35 |
Yeast | 10 |
Yellow | 5 |
Yeti | 12 |
Young woman | 16 |
Yard | 45 |
Year | 43 |
Yes | 14 |
Young | 46 |
You | 13 |
Object | Number |
Zebra | 17 |
Zombie | 34 |
Zoo | 2 |
Zulu | 7 or 8 |
When you identify numbers in your dream, you can use that exact number on the ticket, or use other numbers that it relates to. Some examples are shown below.
Number | Alternative Number to Play |
1 | 43 |
2 | 44 |
3 | 43 |
4 | 38 |
5 | 44 |
6 | 1 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 30 |
10 | 46 |
100 | 29 |
Scrolling through this list you’ll see the type of objects and elements you should consider when you start summarising your next dream. It can also help you reassess your dream and realise the significance of certain details you may not even have written down the first time.
Final Thoughts
Yes, your dreams can be the key to winning the lottery. One of the biggest lottery winners in SA reported that it was his wife’s dream that led to him playing and eventually winning the Powerball jackpot. The same can come true for you.
This article is your quick reference guide to knowing which numbers to play in this week’s Lotto or Mega Millions.
Numbers in a dream can represent a specific date, or they can represent lucky numbers. One option is to use the numbers on lottery tickets, on a specific date that relates to the numbers you dreamt about.
Each number also has its own symbolic meaning. ‘1’ could mean you should start living out a specific life-goal you have, while “8” tells you that soon there will be abundance in your life. This can be a sign you’re about to win a prize.
People have different reasons for believing certain numbers are lucky. Some people believe numbers related to significant dates are lucky, while others believe in numbers that are known to bring luck, especially ‘lucky number 7’. Using a dream guide to find numbers is also a fun way to pick numbers that could bring you luck.
‘7’ is seen as a lucky number by many people. Both men and women are known to make it part of their set of lucky numbers, so it’s often used on lottery tickets.
For some people, dreaming about lottery numbers could mean you’re about to win big. For others, it represents concerns about the changes that immense wealth will bring into their lives. The numbers could also be prompting you to stop worrying too much and leave certain aspects in life up to luck and fate.
Some dreams may have literal meanings, so dreaming that you’ve won money can be a sign you’ll soon hit the jackpot. In addition, elements that represent wealth include water, the colour white, fruit, bees, or your ancestors that are blessing you may all indicate you’ll soon be rich.
There are real life stories of people saying their dreams helped them pick lottery numbers that resulted in big wins. However, there’s no guarantee that using dream numbers will always work. You still need some luck to play the right numbers on the right day, in the right lottery.
You’re more likely to recognise objects in a dream than numbers and words. This is because the area of your brain that processes language isn’t as active while you sleep. However, from time to time there may be numbers in a dream. Still, this makes a lucky number dream guide valuable, since it helps you obtain numbers from any dream.